Sharon from Canada Asks:
Could you tell me what you feel you have done so far to be successful?
Your question is stately perfectly because you said thus far. Success is temporary. I am a work in progress. Once a thing is accomplished and the “thrill” has died down, then a new thing comes to mind. The key is not to become “fat and happy” and let the mind become numb with routine and compliancy. Always keep learning, growing and questioning. What can I discover, create or participate in? Who can I help? Become a go giver. Here are some simple steps take to stay on track.
1. Stay focused on your goal.
2. Surround yourself with others who want the same things and accept help.
3. Don’t listen to anyone negative. Operate out of joy, not fear.
4. Develop self control and habits that draw you to your goals. Keep your word, eat well, love your body, turn of TV and read/learn, change your daily routine and teach your children to do better. Become aware of every move and thought you make.
On a different note and hopefully very useful to those surviving abuse that you are helping, Sharon, is that change is constant, but it up to the individual to mold it for good. I knew that my time as wife, mother and worker had come to an end. It did not fill me the way it had in the past. But before I could create a new life of living inItaly, I had to make some changes. I had to stop doing a lot of things before I could create a new life. Stopping working at my job, stop living in my home and liquidate my possessions, stop being in a relationship, and accept that my daughter was an adult and living in another state. All of these were anchors for me to stay in my current situation and my choices to change hurt other. Change is scary and sometimes difficult, especially at first.
But follow your heart and do it anyway. I said yes to new situations that felt right and no to other choices that came up that felt wrong. Make your best choice given your options at the moment. If it does work out, adjust and try again and again. Never give up.
Ma’am, with all due respect, everything that you say applies to a very small subset of people. There are people out there with diverse set of challenges leading to specific situations that you assumed did not exist and built upon it.
It is true that each of us has a different set of circumstances. I am happy to try to assist you in anyway I can. Understanding the Universal Laws of Nature can help all of us.