Resolution Idea 2012 – #5


Change your “current housing situation”


Sell or rent your home to someone else, then you rent a spare bedroom in someone else’s home for $500 a month.  Can you imagine having your entire monthly housing expenses reduced to just $500 or less? Use someone elses cable, electric and pots and pans.  Now you can focus on your career or it gives you freedom to travel.


If you have a 2 or 3 bedroom home,  rent your spare bedrooms for $500 a month each. You could move into a smaller bedroom and get more money for renting the master bedroom. You will be interviewing your “roomates”, so choose someone whose habits are like your own. It doesn’t have to be forever. Try it for 6 months or a year. You may even find a new life long friend.


Rent your garage for $100 a month to a friend or neighbor who has a classic car or motorcycle.  Park your own car in the drive way.  If you live in a condo or apartment, rent your assigned, close up parking space to another tenant and you park in guest parking. The extra walking is good for you.


New found income: 1 bedroom $500 a month, 2nd room $500, garage, $100  TOTAL  $1100 a month.  Now that is reducing DEBT FAST !!

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